Welcome To the Official BYU Hawaii Pre Medical site

The BYU Hawaii Premedical resource and events guide is designed with the future medical school student in mind.  The information contained on this website will aid applicants in preparing for a career in medicine.  You will find everything you need to know from information regarding the application process, medical schools, career exploration, the MCAT as well as advice to realize your dream of practicing medicine.  Comments and suggestions are encouraged to help us help one another find success in such a competitive field.

Friday, January 16, 2009

What does it take to become a doctor

The University of Washington every year puts on a series of lectures designed for undergraduate students and the community about medical school along with the problems in health care, innovations, and what it takes to become a doctor. I don't want to sound biased but the University of Washington ranks in the top 5 medical schools in America ever year and serves the WWAMI region (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho all considered "in state" in applying for UW medical school)

These lectures are a great resource to all considering medical school, you will get some insight that you might consider especially useful in personal statements and interviews along with your own convictions about attending medical school. Everyone knows to get a good GPA and do well on the MCAT but it is also important to learn everything you can about the field of medicine and thanks to technology you don't have to commute to Seattle to watch these lectures, so take advantage of it and find some time to watch some episodes via the web. Here's a description along with a link to watch one of the sessions in which I attended and found particularly insightful and inspiring. But feel free to browse around other lectures in the series for something that interests you http://uwmedicine.washington.edu/Global/NewsAndEvents/minimed/Mini-Medical+School+Series+Video+Archive.htm.

"Exactly what does it take to get into medical school? Dr. Terry Mengert takes you through the history of teaching medicine, from Hippocrates to modern day. Aside from highlighting the training today's new doctors receive, Dr. Mengert interviews two students about the challenges and joys of medical school. 'The Colleges', a program which focuses on teaching patient communication at the bedside, is also featured. "

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter 09' Semester Tentative Schedule

  • January 14-16 Worldfest in the Aloha Center

  • January 23 Opening Social 5:30 McKay 133
  • Feburary 2 Kaplan Rep will discuss MCAT 5:30 McKay133
  • February 7 Foodfest begins at 5PM
Please attend the opening social and have a voice in the club, we have a calendar to fill and lots of possible activities which include: MD/DO application Q&A with Will and Adam, Service opportunities in tutoring at Kahuku High School, Joint service project with Tahitian club at Laie Elementary, Medical Minute short films (will air on school channel), Soccer/Basketball vs Pre Dental, as well as any other great ideas that you the people bring we'd love to hear them!!